Need help writing an invoice?
Here is a sample of my invoice that I send out to clients! Feel free to screenshot this and use it as a reference (you may need to zoom out this page!) for creating your invoice. Some key things to keep in mind is to:
Make sure your prices are always front and center for the client to read.
Have your address clearly listed for clients sending checks through the mail, or for filing purposes if they are with an institution/organization whose paying for your artwork.
List a few stipulations in plain writing towards the bottom, such as which currency you process payment in, when you will send out artwork, and any other policies you may have.
Include various ways for customers to pay for their artwork at the bottom of your invoice.
Always keep your contact information at the bottom of your invoice (this can be as simple as an email and your social media’ be safe with whom you send your personal information!)
sample invoice
Here is the video in which I discuss why working for exposure is bad for artists!
Here’s to your success as an artist! Let us all work towards getting paid for our work in this new year!